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What is a Liberal Arts Degree Good For?

Today, we see an overwhelming focus on STEM-related disciplines. STEM education and professions are vital, but there remains a discipline that is similarly critical to progress for individuals, communities and society as a whole: the liberal arts

Explore what a liberal arts degree is good for (spoiler: it is useful across many fields!) — and a few graduate degree options that will help you jumpstart your dream career.


Learn more about what it would mean to pursue either a Master of Arts in Humanities or a Master of Arts in Religious Studies; download one (or both!) of our resource

Download Humanities Guide          Download Religious Studies Guide


Defining an Important Discipline: What is a Liberal Arts or Humanities Degree?

A liberal arts program is the study of related academic disciplines, such as history, literature, political science, sociology, philosophy, mathematics, writing and more. A hallmark of a liberal arts degree is its interdisciplinary nature — as it connects related disciplines and, ultimately, is designed to prepare you to think critically, develop compelling arguments, problem-solve and use transferable skills in myriad industries.

By studying multiple disciplines within one degree, you are also making the most of the money you invest in your graduate education through learning as much as you can about other fields. You also gain practical experience in approaching the world through an interdisciplinary lens — a skill you can utilize in your career for the rest of your life. 

Liberal arts vs Fine arts

So, what is the difference between liberal arts and fine arts? 

We have established that the liberal arts refers to the study of a broad range of subjects, including the humanities and social sciences as well as the physical and biological sciences. While a liberal arts-focused program may include the study of some of the arts, it is not the same as fine arts.

an art teacher shows her students a painting

Fine arts is the study and practice of creative and visual arts; it is an in-depth program of study that focuses on a particular fine art, such as photography, film, dance, music, painting, sculpture, theater or studio art.

Discover the value of pursuing a Master of Fine Arts; download one (or both!) of our MFA resources.

Download Creative Writing Guide          Download Film Guide


Is a Humanities or Liberal Arts Degree Worth It?

There are some misconceptions related to getting a liberal arts degree in today’s STEM-focused professional landscape, but we can debunk those myths and explain why the liberal arts remains an ever-relevant field of study.

Myth 1: A liberal arts degree will not make you marketable. 

Quite the contrary! A liberal arts program is actually designed to give you the sought-after “soft skills” needed to succeed in nearly any industry. “Soft skills” relate to transferable skills that are critical in any professional landscape: skills like effective communication, problem solving, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, outside-the-box strategy and more. 

Myth 2: You will be siloed to a few specific careers.

Untrue! Those who obtain a graduate degree rooted in the liberal arts will be eligible for work in countless roles across industries. While some liberal arts and humanities degree holders choose teaching as a profession, there are many other careers that can be elevated by this degree. In fact, employers across fields often look for professionals who have a solid background in liberal arts.

Myth 3: Liberal arts careers are not lucrative.

False! Because you will have the skills needed to succeed in many different industries, you can customize your professional journey to seek a role that will have significant ROI over the course of your career. With a liberal arts education, you can find lucrative careers in fields like marketing, media, technology, government and more.

Liberal Arts Degree Jobs

Armed with a respected, cutting-edge graduate degree that is focused on the liberal arts, you will have the marketable skills needed to secure a variety of meaningful careers in countless industries. You can expect to find roles in industries, such as:

Liberal Arts Degree Jobs and Industries




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Jumpstart Your Dream Career With a Humanities or Religious Studies Degree at the Mount

At Mount Saint Mary’s University Los Angeles, we offer a variety of respected graduate degree programs for ambitious, mission-driven professionals who are seeking graduate school as an avenue through which they will land their dream career.

We offer two graduate programs that are specifically rooted in the liberal arts — the Master of Arts in Humanities and the Master of Arts in Religious Studies. These two programs are perfect for driven, curious students who are seeking advanced, transferable skills in a human-centered career field.

With intimate class sizes and flexible program completion options, the Mount will truly set you up for success. Take this opportunity to request more information or start your online application!

Learn more about what it would mean to pursue either a Master of Arts in Humanities or a Master of Arts in Religious Studies; download one (or both!) of our resources.

Download Humanities Guide          Download Religious Studies Guide


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