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Master’s vs Teaching Credential: What Do You Need to Become a Teacher?

As a future teacher, you owe it to yourself to choose the right educational path for you — a path that is going to serve as a launching pad to help you reach your long term goals. 

But, before you can choose the right educational track for your specific situation, you must have a solid understanding of what exactly you need. You may have questions, such as:

  • What is a teaching credential?
  • Do I need a master’s degree in education?
  • Which do I complete first? The credential or master’s?

Let’s discuss and define the various education options you have as you plan your next academic venture. 

Discover the value of an education degree with our resource — Become an Invaluable Educator: The Value of Graduate Education Programs and Teaching Credentials.

How to Become a Teacher: What You Need to Know

What is a teaching credential? Do I need one?

In order to become a teacher, you need to hold some kind of teaching credential, which can take the form of an advanced academic degree, such as a master’s degree, certification or a license. And these requirements vary by state. 

In the state of California, teachers who wish to teach at public K-12 schools must obtain a valid teaching credential from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).  The CCTC sets the standards for teacher licensing and credentialing, and provides the formal training that is needed to build a successful teaching career. 

There are different types of teaching credentials, depending on the grade you want to teach. A “Multiple Subjects” credential, for example, allows individuals to teach K to 6th grade, whereas a “Single Subject” credential permits future educators to teach 6th to 12th grade.  

Do I need a master’s degree in education? 

Technically, you can become a teacher by first obtaining a bachelor’s degree and then completing a teaching credential we mention above. You do not need a master’s degree to be a classroom teacher. But, there are many reasons to go the extra mile and choose graduate school when launching your education career.

One of the most tried-and-true ways of ensuring that you are developing the necessary skills needed to begin a lifelong career in teaching is through graduate-level education. There are a number of data-backed reasons to obtain a master’s degree in education including:

1. Higher Salary: Teachers with a graduate degree (in addition to the required state credentials) are more likely to successfully command higher salaries upon hire and secure more advanced career positions that will lead to more pay.

Average teaching salary in the United States and in California:

National Teaching Average Salary


California Teaching Average Salary


2. Job Security: Educators who hold a master’s degree are more likely to have job security and are less likely to experience unemployment when financial resources are limited.

3. Advancement Opportunities: Those working in education with a graduate degree will have more opportunities to rise up in the field and attain higher-level administration roles like Superintendent, Principal or Vice Principal. 

What does it mean to get licensed as a teacher?

In most states, educators must pass a licensure exam in order to teach. In order to be eligible to take a licensure exam, future teachers must hold at least a bachelor’s degree (or another specialized credential). 

Upon passing a licensure exam, teachers will hold a license and are eligible to teach upon hire (requirements for licensure may vary by state). You can explore to learn how to become a teacher in California specifically.

Which do I complete first? The master’s or credential? 

It depends on the institution and the degree program you decide to pursue. Some institutions require you to complete a credential before you can move on and apply to a master’s degree in education. Others allow you to complete both concurrently.

Yet, in other situations, students might receive a master's degree in a completely different field, say engineering, then realize they want to become teachers. These individuals would complete their master’s degree before a teaching credential and/or another master’s in education and teaching credential. Here at the Mount, we’ve designed our master’s and teacher credential programs to be completed at the same time.    

Wrapping it Up: How to Become a Teacher

In order to become a teacher, you must hold certain qualifications put in place by the state in which you are seeking employment. Once you have obtained a bachelor’s degree, you need to obtain teaching credentials in the form of certification, endorsement or licensure. 

Research shows that obtaining a master’s degree in education in addition to the required teaching credentials will set you up for the most success - both now and for years to come.

Connect with the Master of Science in Education Professionals at the Mount

At the Mount, the goal of our Master of Science and Teacher Credentialing programs is to prepare the next generation of education leaders who are committed to the social mission they undertake.

By fostering a community of inclusivity, collaboration, and empathy, we produce phenomenal education professionals who are well-equipped to make a difference in the lives of students, both in the classroom and beyond.

Ready to join our community of educational leaders? Get started today.


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