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One Student's Journey to Film Success at The Mount

Meet Mount MFA Student, HeavenNezCree

Meet Mount Psychology student, HeavenNezCree:

Location: Los Angeles, CA


  • Central State University, Ohio, Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communications

  • Howard University, MBA

When did you first get interested in the field of Fine Arts?

My earliest memory is truly magical. In kindergarten, our teachers took us on a field trip to a local community center. The center was in a beautiful, lush, wooded area that held the heavy, yet clean, scent of fresh pine. Expansive windows provided the perfect canvas for the world right outside. We entered a vibrant, large room with wooden floors and huge, colorful stuffed blocks carefully placed about the room. Our teacher put on a song that was ethereal and slightly psychedelic, and our only instruction was to simply let the music move us. In that moment I became one with the sounds, the scents, and the scenery. 

And there I was, a little, brown-skinned girl with long pigtails, swaying to the cacophony of sounds floating from the music player. Dance was my first foray, an interest in art and design soon followed and a penchant for developing music along with writing quickly came on its heels. In high school, I developed a love for photography and acting. And then as an undergrad, I saw how filmmaking would allow me to create using all the above — originating art that sweeps across multiple disciplines, with my unique signature.

What is your specific art form of choice? What interests you specifically about this art form? 

I’m a multi-hyphenate artist, and it’s taken me a while to fully appreciate that. The process of creating art that is a cornucopia of forms is exhilarating! I can have a melody take shape in my mind, and before I know it, I’m either choreographing eight counts, furiously scribbling out lyrics or poetry or crafting a visual scene that would fit the tune perfectly. I’ll work with a sculpting app and while pushing and pulling the virtual clay a curious creature takes shape, and I think of all the ways it might be animated and inserted into a live action narrative film. I love to sit in the middle of the floor and just belt out a song or find a quiet space to write and develop stories. 

Art, all of it, is my zone. It hasn’t been easy to unapologetically say “I Am an Artist” when asked what I do. But now, those words flow out from me like honey dripping from a beehive in the summer.

Why did you choose to obtain the MFA at Mount Saint Mary's University?

The Mount’s beginnings as a college for women is what struck a chord and connected with me. Though many strides have been made in the film industry, it is still a male-dominated space. I looked at several universities that offer film studies, but Mount Saint Mary’s University just felt right. 

MSMU presented itself as a space where I would be heard and encouraged to take my place in the industry. It seemed that I would be inspired by being exposed to various perspectives in the studio and classrooms. And that turned out to be true.

What kind of invaluable, hands-on experiences did you have through the Hollywood studio?

The Hollywood Studio is located on the same stretch of road as the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame. What better place to be inspired to greatness! If I ever wonder whether my pursuits are important, I need only glance out the window and watch the many visitors snapping photos of the handprints of legends cemented at the TLC (Grauman’s) Chinese Theater. That’s the power of well-done cinematic art.  

The Studio offers spaces to network with fellow students, spaces to film projects and access to a wide array of film equipment. I’ve been able to design and build creative sets for my thesis film. If I am interested in practicing on a particular camera, I can request time and space to do that. I’ve done voiceover recordings in the recording booth. 

When I’m filming at the Hollywood Studio, I feel confident in my surroundings because it’s a professional space to welcome actors and crew members.

Did you choose to pursue a concentration? 

Yes, I did. My concentration is Directing and Cinematography. Exploring these two areas in depth has revealed to me the art, and science, of both. There is the art that sits alongside the method. Both have layers of intricate thought that must be born before the picture even takes shape! It’s kind of wild when you realize all that goes into these two areas. There is a deep voyage in this art that evokes a strong, blissful emotion from me. 

I have absorbed two major lessons: 1. Cinematographers paint with light and lenses. 2. Directors helm a multi-level ship that, if guided correctly, will reach the shore in one piece and deliver the gift of a beautiful story that connects with viewers on an atomic, molecular level. 

How did The Mount's program prepare you to reach your career goals?

I am an INFP on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Heavy on the “I”. MSMU has helped me to branch out, connect with fellow artists and tap into an inner space of ease when sharing ideas or collaborating on projects. The use of the word safe-space unfortunately was driven into “cliche-dom,” but that’s exactly what the MFA program at MSMU has been for me.  

Additionally, several professors at the Mount have generously introduced industry professionals to us so that we may gain an even clearer understanding of the nuts and bolts of how things work in real-time. Mount Saint Mary’s MFA program sort of thrusts you into a conservatory-like atmosphere. 

Having, at minimum, a solid two years to focus on your main goals and objectives as an artist means that you can achieve an unencumbered clarity and create a very thorough career plan. A great number of the professors in our department take a genuine interest in your well-being and growth. And, as artists themselves, they understand the unique traps and pitfalls that may become obstacles for us. 

From guest speakers and special lectures to unique hands-on events, professors and instructors cultivate an experience which leverages lessons from each of their own unique paths in the industry.

If you had one piece of advice for a prospective student of The Mount's MFA program, what would it be?

GO ALL IN!  Here’s how:

Read about the history of Mount Saint Mary’s. Understand the larger picture of which you could become part. Observe diligently and absorb gracefully. Take copious notes and recordings (when allowed). Then, allow yourself moments to distill all that you’ve seen and heard. Work on as many projects with fellow students as you possibly can. Spend time on each of the three campuses. Give yourself the freedom to really be a student in this place. Use every single resource and try to meet people with majors outside of the film department. Learn and accept the beauty in constructive criticism. Push yourself to create work that is outside of your normal comfort zone. And most all Experiment, Experiment, Experiment! 

This is where you get to test your ideas. So, go all in!


How I transformed my career with a Doctor of Psychology